(Click to enlarge.) Beltone President Todd Murray addresses hearing care professionals during the 2014 Beltone National Meeting held in Orlando during April.
Beltone, Chicago, held its 2014 National Meeting at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, on April 10-12. The annual meeting themed LEAP (Leaders Execute and Perform) with Beltone was attended by nearly 625 members of Beltone’s US and Canadian dispenser network, as well as international guests representing 15 countries.
During the meeting, Beltone President Todd Murray congratulated all of the company’s network members for their achievements and presented performance awards to top practitioners from its offices in the US, Canada, and international locations.
Beltone also presented the company’s most prestigious honor, the President’s Cup Award, to Dick and Robin Clay of Joplin, Missouri. The award recognizes dedicated individuals who consistently provide a high level of patient hearing care within their communities.
“This respected award recognizes Beltone practitioners whose dedication and passion for hearing care go well beyond their office and into the community,” said Murray. “Dick and Robin Clay take time out of their busy schedules to travel to underprivileged communities and fit hearing aids. That commitment to helping others is the ultimate example of what the President’s Cup Award celebrates.”
Beltone presented other top performance awards including the Circle of Excellence Award to Howard and Margaret Hancock of Pensacola, Fla; Daniel and Jean Fletcher of Southgate, Mich; and Russel Burnman and Terri Zahn-Burnam of Dallas. The Circle of Excellence award identifies the “best of the best” based on a series of best-practice criteria developed specifically for members of the Beltone network.
The conference sessions featured best practices from successful dispensers, the latest on Beltone’s technology innovation, and a variety of working breakout sessions to showcase its first-ever made-for-iPhone (MFi) product technology.
Source: Beltone