Video of presentations from EUHA 2016–the 61st International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians held October 19-21, 2016 in Hannover, Germany–are now available for viewing, thanks to EUHA TV.

EUHA logoThe European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) has previously made available a DVD including selected video recordings of the presentations given at the Congress, a video clip on the 60th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, a EUHA cartoon, and a number of video clips announcing the Congress. Now EUHA TV is offering the original-language versions of the EUHA 2016 lectures held at the 61st International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians. All attendees now have the chance to watch the presentations at their own convenience. Hearing professionals who missed the conference may also benefit as they can catch up with the latest in research and practice by watching EUHA TV.

Some of the EUHA 2016 video presentations are accessible free of charge, while others require a fee. This means that everyone will have a chance to watch part of the 27 presentations given at the Congress. The form for accessing the presentation videos online is available at the EUHA TV website.

For more information about the EUHA 2016 event, see the October 26, 2016 Hearing Review online article. Additional coverage of the EUHA 2016 Congress is included in the January 2017 print edition of The Hearing Review, courtesy of HR Editor Karl Strom, who attended the event in Hannover.