TTS reports that it is staffed by tinnitus experts who provide treatment through tele-home care to deliver short- and long-term relief, providing tinnitus education, counseling, and guiding the patient’s habituation process.
The partnership of expert tele-health tinnitus treatment and local hearing healthcare aims to provide the best of treatment to more patients nationwide. In this partnership, the featured hearing aid brand is the Oticon Ti series. This product line includes Tinnitus SoundSupport™, a personalized sound generator designed to bring relief to those with ringing in the ears. All available hearing aids will have built-in tinnitus treatment features designed to be soothing and relaxing, while also providing amplification to address hearing loss.
“The partnership between TTS and YHN is a first-of-its-kind, taking the care of tinnitus patients to a new level,” said Edward P. Braun, vice president of Your Hearing Network. “We are combining expert, telemedicine care geared specifically towards patients suffering from tinnitus, with an existing network of highly trained hearing care professionals nationwide. Coupled with the latest technology available for tinnitus hearing aids, we will provide an optimal experience for tinnitus patients.”
Your Hearing Network reports that tinnitus is a complex condition with multiple potential causes, and involves both neurological and emotional components. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), it is the most common service-connected disability of returning veterans. Despite the fact that most patients are told that nothing can be done, there are tools available that can help patients to manage the condition and find relief.
“As a team of audiologists who focus daily on tinnitus, we are thrilled to partner with the YHN network of local clinicians to bring the best of care to patients,” said TTS clinician Dr Alex O’Dell. “Tinnitus care through telemedicine has many advantages for patient treatment and convenience—in fact the Veteran’s Administration has been developing tinnitus telemedicine care for military sufferers of this debilitating condition for quite some time. This approach can make expert care available for patients even in remote areas.”
Source: TTS; YHN