HIA Board Members include Jeff Newnham (Phonak), Rodney Schutt (Widex), Gordon Walker (Knowles Electronics), Todd Murray (GN ReSound), Peer Lauritsen (Oticon), Scott Davis (Siemens); Front Row L-R: Carole Rogin (HIA president), Robert Tong (ON Semiconductor), Jeff Taylor (Sonion), Jerry Ruzicka (Starkey), and Kevin Kouba (Rayovac).
At its annual Meeting of the Members held in Washington, DC, on March 6, the Hearing Industries Assn (HIA) elected two new members to its Board of Directors and also reelected four others whose terms were expiring in 2014. Kevin Kouba, Rayovac, and Rodney Schutt, Widex USA, were newly elected to the Board, and Todd Murray, GN ReSound; Jeff Newnham, Phonak, LLC; Scott Davis, Siemens Hearing Instruments, and Jerry Ruzicka, Starkey Hearing Technologies, were re-elected to new 2-year terms.  They rejoin Peer Lauritsen, Oticon; Jeff Taylor, Sonion; Robert Tong, ON Semiconductor; and Gordon Walker, Knowles Electronics, who continue on the Board with terms that extend through 2015.
The HIA Executive Committee continues in the second year of its term with Murray as HIA chair, Davis as vice chair, Tong as secretary/treasurer, Ruzicka as past chair and Carole Rogin as president. HIA members also reviewed annual progress reports for HIA and the Better Hearing Institute, and approved plans for 2014.
Source: HIA