The following is an index, by author and subject, for articles and select items that were published in The Hearing Review from Jan 1998-Jan 2001 as well as in HR supplements, including High Performance Hearing Solutions (HPHS, Vols. 1-3). To search by key words, go to |
Adams S: Marketing to the forgotten influencer. Oct 99: 48.
Agnew J: Challenges and some solutions for understanding speech in noise. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 10; Temperature and relative humidity inside an ITE hearing instrument. Aug 99: 28; Optimizing Binaural Cues for Speech Understanding. May 00: 20-26, 52.
Anders R, Magnusson L, Edberg P & Thelin L: Clinical Evaluation of a Digital Power Hearing Instrument. Mar 00: 59-64.
Armero O: The Six Stages of Grieving a Hearing Loss. May 00: 28-33.
Badri V: The evolving worldwide hearing instrument market. Jun 98: 35-37.
Bain R: Trials R Us! Dec 99: 27.
Baquis D: A primer on hearing assistance technology and the ADA. Jun 98: 38-40.
Bärtschi A: Wireless solutions for hearing instruments. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 48.
Beck BR: CAPD Intervention: Strategies that Work! Aug 00: 30-34.
Berger EH: So, how do you want your NRRs: Realistic or sunny-side up? Sep 99: 68.
Berkowitz A: U.S. managed care penetration: A state-by-state look at HMO/POS participation. Oct 98: 30-32.
Bloomgren R: Earmolds 101: Ten steps to great impressions. Dec 98: 28-30.
Bray V & Nilsson MJ: Objective Test Results Support Benefits of a DSP Noise Reduction System. Nov 00: 60-65.
Briskey K & Paulson M: Let the music begin! Feb 99: 37.
Burrows D & Owen W: Estimating Positive Test Results in UNHS Programs. Feb 00: 8-12.
Cartwright K: Due diligence key consideration in single-specialty IPA development. Apr 98: 30, 77.
Cartwright K: Why are all these musicians coming into my office? Feb 99: 39.
Chartrand MS: Growing your practice/business with strategic philanthropy. Jul 98: 35-36; Fear of Being Found Out: The Dilemma of Denial. Mar 00: 72-74.
Chasin M: Implantable hearing aids. Feb 98: 20-27; Bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) and unilateral conductive losses. Aug 98: 34-43; Musicians and the prevention of hearing loss: The A, Bb, C#s. Feb 99: 10; Music Appreciation 101: Music rooms. Dec 99: 24; Music Appreciation 101: Woodwinds, Large Stringed Instruments, Violins & Violas. Jan 00: 46; Music Appreciation 101: Bass Players & Drummers and Guitar & Rock/Blues Vocalists. Mar 00: 38; Bone Conduction Implants: The When and Why. Dec 00: 56-58.
Christensen L: A Universal Pass/Refer Criterion for DPOAEs: Is It Possible? Feb 00: 22-24, 29-30.
Cook G: Managing occupational hearing conservation data. Sep 99: 74.
Crandell C, Smaldino J & Flexer C: An overview of sound field FM amplification. Jun 99: 40.
Crandell C & Smaldino J: The Advantages and Limitations of Sound-Field FM Amplification. Mar 00: 19-29.
Creel LP, Desporte EJ & Juneau RP: Soft-solid instruments: A positive solution to the dynamic ear canal. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 40.
Csermak B: A Primer on a Dual Microphone Directional System. Jan 00: 56-60.
Csermak B & Armstrong S: Bits, bytes and chips: Understanding digital instruments. Jan 99: 8.
Dancer J & Gener J: Survey of the use of adult hearing assessment scales. Jan 99: 26.
Dancer J & Haver J: Newborn Hearing Screening in Large Birthing Hospitals. Oct 00: 46-52.
Dempesy D: Selection criteria for newborn hearing screening equipment. Feb 98: 8-12, 60.
Dickinson B: Listen upwhile you still can. Mar 98: 67.
Duffy JK: A backward landmark in the education of hearing-impaired children. Oct 98: 24-26.
Dybala P: On-line job hunting: Finding a job or filling a job opening. Mar 99: 42.
Earshen JJ: Understanding noise exposure measurements. Sep 99: 37.
Einhorn K: Noise-induced hearing loss in the performing arts: An otolaryngologic perspective. Feb 99: 28.
Ellekjaer Jensen C & May A: Fitting children with OLC vs. PC hearing instruments. Feb 98: 37-40.
Erdreich J: Engineering controls for noise abatement. Sep 99: 42.
Fortune T: Using DSL, FIG6 and NAL for sloping and precipitous losses. Sep 98: 40-42, 71; Hearing science and hearing aids: A more direct link. Oct 99: 8.
Fox C: Tribute to Larry Mauldin. Oct 99: 86.
Franks J: Historical highlights in the evolution of national standards for occupational safety & health. Sep 99: 18.
French K & Loven F: Opportunities in Schools: Improving Amplification Through Multi-skilling. Dec 00: 36-43, 72.
Frye G: A perspective on DSP instruments. Oct 99: 61; Testing Digital Hearing Instruments. Aug 00: 20-27.
Fuller D: Assistive devices and client safety: A responsibility issue. Jun 98: 46-47; Telephones and Telecoils: Problems and Solutions. Mar 00: 30.
Gans RE: Rethinking treatment of dizzy patients and balance disorders. Apr 99: 8; Evaluating the dizzy patient: Establishing clinical pathways. Jun 99: 45; Vestibular rehabilitation: Predicting successful outcomes, Jul 99: 32; Overview of BPPV: Pathophysiology & Diagnosis. Aug 00: 38-43, 72; Overview of BPPV: Treatment Methodologies. Sep 00: 34-39, 56.
Gans RE & Crandell C: Overview of BPPV: Evaluating Treatment Outcomes with Clinimetrics. Nov 00: 50-54, 75.
Gauthier E: Pulse width compression. Jan 98: 45-46.
Gleitman RM: Practical advice for buying and selling a dispensing practice. Aug 99: 8.
Goldstein D: Audiology education, access and the AFA: A 10-year perspective. Dec 98: 37-39.
Griffing TS: Selling up by selling down. Aug 98: 16; Better hearing workshopsA new-old idea. Dec 99: 30; Establishing Office Policies for Hearing Care Services. Oct 00: 32-35.
Griffing TS, Giles GE & Romriell D: Relationships of TMJ & TMD to successful CIC fittings. Apr 98: 14-18.
Gudmundsen G: Audible Low-Battery Warnings: Standard or Optional? Jun 00: 45-46.
Hall CM & Zakry J: Telephone use: Experiences and habits of a group of hearing-impaired people. Jul 99: 24.
Hall JW & Bulla WA: Assessment of music-induced auditory dysfunction. Feb 99: 20.
Hampton D: The effects of hearing loss on intimate relationships. Aug 99: 37; Mulrow et al…Revisited. Jan 00: 44.
Hansen V: Dealing with the psychological aspects of patient reluctance. Sep 98: 8-14; Beyond Technology: The Human Connection. Mar 00: 55.
Harris G, Simmerman G & Whitmore PK: Hearing instrument repairs and patient satisfaction. Apr 99: 16.
Hase M: Is Marketing to Physicians Worthwhile? Results of a Survey. Apr 00: 43.
Haubold J & Schweitzer C: Fitting for an Auditory Life. Part 1: Sept 00: 42-51; Part 2: Oct 00: 68-71, 88.
Hearing Industries Assn.: Impact of hearing on physical and psychosocial health. Nov 98: 26-30.
Holl K, Ilic D, Strommer S & Frontzek P: New zinc air battery technology for better hearing. Sep 98: 52
Isenhath J: A Potential for Hearing Reeducation? A Pilot Study. Dec 00: 46-49, 83.
Jelonek S: Marketing new technologies: Digital hearing instruments. Mar 98: 18-26; Custom hearing protection for special patient needs. Feb 99: 40.
Kalis S: A Combination Remote Control and Watch. Oct 00: 60.
Keidser G, Dillon H & Brewer S: Using the NAL-N1 prescriptive procedure with advanced hearing instruments. Nov 99: 8.
Killion MC: Compression: Distinctions. Jul 00 (HR Registry): 44-48 (reprinted from Aug 96: 29-32).
Kochkin S: Where is the Clinton effect? Feb 98: 6, 15; One of the best-kept secrets in the hearing industry (and it needs your help). Mar 99: 80; Reducing hearing instrument returns with consumer education. Oct 99: 18; Customer Satisfaction with Single and Multiple Microphone Digital Hearing Instruments. Nov 00: 24-34.
Kochkin S & Rogin C: Quantifying the Obvious: The Impact of Hearing Instruments on Quality of Life. Jan 00: 6-8, 12-34.
Kuehnel V & Checkley P: Advantages of an Adaptive Multi-Microphone System. May 00: 58-60, 74.
Kuk F: Using the I/O curve to help solve subjective complaints with WDRC hearing instruments. Jan 98: 8-16, 59; Optimizing compression: Advantages of low compression threshold. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 44.
Kuk F, Baekgaard L & Ludvigsen C: Design Considerations in Directional Microphones. Sep 00: 68-73.
Kuk F & Ludvigsen C: Verifying the output of digital nonlinear hearing instruments. Nov 99: 35.
Lau C: Clinical performance of standard vs. extra small CICs. Apr 98: 22-24, 76.
Lederman N & Lazlo C: Flying the accessible skies: Testing a new assistive listening system for air travel. Nov 98: 33-34.
Lee L, Lau C & Sullivan D: The advantage of a low compression threshold in directional microphones. Aug 98: 30-32.
Leisses ME: Understanding compression hearing instruments. Oct 98: 10-20, 74-76.
Lenhardt ML: Audible ultrasound… revisited. Mar 98: 50-52.
Lipscomb D: Allocation among causes: The concept, its pros and cons. Sep 99: 48.
Lurquin P, Delacressonniere C & May A: Examination of a multi-band noise reduction system. Jan 01: 48.
Mark P: Building a practice to meet present and future needs. Oct 99: 42; The Swing Generation: Challenges and Opportunities in the New Millennium. Mar 00: 24-28; Entering the Internet Surf: A Professional Perspective. Dec 00: 24-29.
Maurer JF: Aging & hearing loss: The 50-plus years. Sep 98: 28-36.
May A: Case study on a childs use of multi-mic and FM technology. Apr 99: 36.
May A, Brenner Larsen C & Warland A: Multi-microphone instruments, DSP and hearing-in-noise. Jul 98: 42-45.
McCandless M & Shelton C: Cochlear Implants and Hearing Instruments: Do They Mix? Nov 00: 38-47.
McDonald K: Leasing hearing instruments. Oct 99: 58.
McSpaden JB: The obstetrical delivery of the patients story. Sep 98: 16-24; The communicative spirit. Nov 99: 42.
Medwetsky L, Sanderson D & Young D: A national survey of audiology clinical practices, Part 1. Nov 99: 24; Part 2, Dec 99: 14.
Meskan ME & Robinson JL: A Patient-Focused Approach to Fitting Hearing Instruments. Dec 00: 52-55.
Miller M: Occupational hearing conservation: Unique challenges & opportunities. Sep 99: 8.
Mueller G & Wesselkamp M: Ten commonly asked questions about directional microphone fittings. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 26.
Mynders J: Some tips for earmold applications and selection. Dec 98: 8-18.
Navarro R & Beck J: Identification of hearing instrument processed sentences in noise. Jul 98: 16-24.
Nelson JA: Fine tuning multi-channel compression hearing instruments. Jan 01: 30-35, 58.
Nielsen H: Defining open platform DSP. Jan 98: 27, 59.
Norton S, Khan S & Dolphin W: Real-Ear Calibration for Newborn Hearing Screening. Feb 00: 42-46.
Peterson S: Advances in Computer-Driven Hearing Care: 32-Bit Systems and Networking Capabilities. Dec 00: 32-33, 72.
Pirzanski C: Tips for hearing instrument fittings and remakes. Jan 98: 20-24, 59; Anatomy of a perfect ear impression. Dec 98: 20-24; Communicating with manufacturers: Returns and remakes. Oct 99: 26; Why Are My Ear Impressions Being Waxed? Mar 00: 56-58; Secrets of the Multilayer Impression-Taking Technique. Oct 00: 22-27.
Powers T & Burton P: DSP Benefits: Moving Beyond Traditional Analog Capabilities. Oct 00: 62-67.
Powers T, Holube I & Wesselkamp M: The use of digital features to combat background noise. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 36.
Preves DA & Dempesy D: Speech Recognition in Noise Results for a Disposable Hearing Aid. Mar 00: 34-38.
Preves DA, Yanz JL & MacRae ME: Dual-function compression. Mar 99: 51.
Primus M & Cache P: Six Methods to Assist Parents in Understanding Their Childs Hearing Loss: An Evaluation. Feb 00: 16-18, 56.
Purdy JK: Validation of hearing instruments, Part 1: Patient questionnaire. Jan 99: 16; Part 2: Linear fitting prescriptions, Feb 99: 42; Part 3: Non-linear fitting prescriptions, Mar 99: 22; Part 4: Output measurements, Apr 99: 24; Part 5: Speech-based and miscellaneous measures, Jul 99: 40; Communicating with manufacturers: Ordering hearing instruments. Oct 99: 24.
Ramos P, Myrick, L & Kuk F: Experience with using ABR thresholds to fit infants with a digital hearing instrument. Oct 99: 35.
Rawool V: A Survey to Help Other Clients Accept Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids, Part I. May 00: 34-41; Overcoming Obstacles in the Purchase & Use of Hearing Aids. Aug 00: 46-49; Addressing the Special Needs of Older Adults. Oct 00: 38-43, 76.
Robinson JL, Meskan ME, Siu B & Chhadia A: Improving CIC Fittings by Using a Silicone Ring. Nov 00: 66-70.
Ross M: When a Hearing Aid is Not Enough. Sep 00: 26-30.
Royster JD & Royster LH: How can we evaluate the effectiveness of occupational hearing conservation programs? Sep 99: 28.
Russomagno V: Give your business a marketing make-over. Aug 98: 10-12, 24; Making good hiring decisions. Oct 99: 52; Productive People Ensure Successful Practices. Jun 00: 60-64.
Santucci M: In-ear monitoring: Use as directed. Feb 99: 31.
Schuchman G, Valente M, Beck L & Potts L: User satisfaction with an ITE directional hearing instrument. Jul 99: 12.
Schum D: An audiological rationale for fitting ski-slope hearing losses. Aug 99: 53.
Schweitzer C: Prospects of Beamforming in Hearing Instruments. Apr 00: 8-16; Fitting for an Auditory Life. Sep 00: 42-51, 76.
Schweitzer C: Temporal pattern processing of hearing instruments. Jan 01: 20-26, 72.
Schweitzer C, Mortz M & Vaughan N: Perhaps not by prescriptionbut by perception. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 58.
Skafte MD: The 1997 hearing instrument marketThe dispensers perspective. Jun 98: 6; The 1998 hearing instrument marketThe dispensers perspective. Jun 99: 6; The 1999 hearing instrument marketThe dispensers perspective. Jun 00: 8-40; The Passages of Hearing Health Care. Jul 00 (HR Registry): 12 (repeated from Aug 96: 8-19 and Dec 96: 8-14).
Smith B, Dancer J, Montague J & Highley P: Thrill or threat? The sound of movies. Nov 99: 50.
Smriga DJ: Computer-Driven Hearing Care: Today and Tomorrow. Dec 00: 61-64.
Smriga D & Groth J: Problem solving through smart digital technology. Jan 99: 58.
Smriga D & Trads C: Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Hearing Health Care Practices. Mar 00: 8-16.
Staab WJ & Preves DA: Deep Canal Hearing Instrument Fitting: A New Approach. Jun 00: 50-53.
Staab W, Polashek T, Nunley J, Green RS, Brisken A, Dojan R, Taylor C & Katz R: Audible ultrasound for profound losses. Feb 98: 28-32, 36.
Staller S & Parkinson A: Current Status and Future Directions for Cochlear Implants. May 00: 62-64.
Stearns WP: Todays computer: An essential fitting tool. Jan 98: 28.
Strom KE: A review of the 1997 hearing instrument market. Mar 98: 8-16, 72; 1997 regional marketing review. Apr 98: 47-56; Practical advice on the use of DSP instruments. Jul 98: 27-28, 62; Family physicians focus on the need for better hearing. Nov 98: 23-25; The 1998 hearing instrument market & whats ahead in 99. Mar 99: 8; 1998 regional marketing review. Apr 99: 58; HIA-NCOA project documents benefits of hearing instruments. Jul 99: 8; An update on implant technology, Part 1: Cochlear implants. Nov 99: 56. Part 2: Implantable hearing aids: Dec 99: 12; The dawning of the the new millennium: Hearing instrument manufacturers views. Dec 99: 6; The Hearing Care Market at the Turn of the 21st Century. Mar 00: 8-22, 100; The Dawning of the New Millennium: Researchers Views. Mar 00: 42-50, 81, 101; New DSP and Digital Perception Processing Previewed. Mar 00: 68-70; 1999 Regional Marketing Review. Apr 00: 48-51, 60-64.
Sullivan R: A virtual visit to www. Mar 98: 28-30.
Thompson S: Dual microphones or directional-plus-omni: Which is best? HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 31.
Traynor RM: Programmable CIC field study results. Mar 98: 32-34.
Traynor RM & Tedeschi TJ: Field study of a DSP instrument with a volume control. Oct 98: 36-38, 65.
Trudell M, Sirois A & Lamonthe A: Noise/tinnitus desensitization training using narrow compression limiting circuits. Jul 98: 8-14.
Valente M, Sweetow R & May A: Using microphone technology to improve speech recognition. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 10.
Van Dyke L: Consumer corner: Presidential aids. Feb 98: 53.
Vlaming M: Concave Curvilinear WDRC: Optimizing the Shape of Compression. Sep 00: 58-66, 88.
Voll L & Jones CH: CICs: Five years later, what have we learned? Apr 98: 8-12.
Wolf RP, Hohn W, Martin R & Powers T: Directional microphone hearing instruments: How and why they work. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 14.
Walsh S: The Retail Marketing Message: Why Its Not Working. Mar 00: 32-34.
Wayner DS & Abrahamson JE: Social & emotional aspects of hearing loss. Apr 98: 26-28, 76; Tips for using cochlear implants (consumer corner). Apr 99: 30.
Whichard S: Gaining referrals through a physicians marketing program. Nov 98: 12-16, 43.
Whichard S & Olson L: A DSP instrument designed to mimic the function of the undamaged cochlea. Apr 99: 70.
Winter M & Kuk F: Using a DSP instrument fitting protocol for pediatric cases. Oct 98: 27-28, 71-73.
Zelisko DLC, Wolf RP & Burton P: Matching new technology to patients needs. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 53.
The Advantages and Limitations of Sound-Field FM Amplification. Crandell C & Smaldino J. Mar 00: 19-29.
Assistive devices and client safety: A responsibility issue. Fuller D. Jun 98: 46-47.
The HR Assistive Devices Buyers Guide. Apr 00: 55-59.
Opportunities in Schools: Improving Amplification Through Multi-skilling. French K & Loven F. Dec 00: 36-43, 72.
An overview of sound field FM amplification. Crandell C, Smaldino J & Flexer C. Jun 99: 40.
A primer on hearing assistance technology and the ADA. Baquis D. Jun 98: 38-40.
Scott Haug Foundation helps amplify Austin classroom. Oct 98: 29.
Telephones and Telecoils: Problems and Solutions. Fuller D. Mar 00: 30.
Wireless solutions for hearing instruments. Bärtschi A. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 48.
Also See: Counseling & Client Care.
CICs: Five years later, what have we learned? Mims Voll L & Jones CH. Apr 98: 8-12.
The CIC Buyers Guide. Nov 00: 56-58.
Clinical performance of standard vs. extra small CICs. Lau C. Apr 98: 22-24, 76.
Relationships of TMJ & TMD to successful CIC fittings. Griffing TS, Giles GE & Romriell D. Apr 98: 14-18.
Also See: Counseling; DSP; Fitting, Testing & Verification & Marketing
Audiologists Desk Reference (Hall & Mueller). Apr 99: 88.
AudiologyDiagnosis, Treatment, Practice Management (Roeser, Valente & Dunn). Mar 00: 95.
Atlas of Otoscopy (Pulec & Deguine). Nov 00: 76.
Clinical Applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response (Hood). Sep 99: 94.
Compression for Clinicians (Venema). Nov 99: 73.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Impairment in Children (Pappas). Jan 00: 77.
Etiology and Prevention of Communication Disorders (Gerber). Nov 99: 74.
Facilitating Hearing and Listening in Young Children (Flexer). Mar 99: 75.
An Introduction to Ear Disease (Black). Nov 99: 73.
Hearing BetterUnderstanding Your Hearing and Ear Care Options (Burkey, Lippy, Schuring & Rizer). Sep 99: 92.
Keys to Raising a Deaf Child (Frazier-Maiwald & Williams). Apr 99: 88.
Learning to Hear Again with a Cochlear Implant (Wayner & Abrahamson). Mar 99: 66.
Medical Aspects of Hearing Loss for the Consumer and the Professional (Epstein). Sep 99: 94.
Neuroscience of Communication (Webster). Nov 99: 73.
Now Hear This (Goodwillie). Dec 99: 62.
Tinnitus Handbook (Tyler). Nov 00: 76.
The Young Deaf Child (Luterman, Kurtzer-White & Seewald). Apr 99: 89
AARP Publishes Consumer Guide to Hearing Aids. Strom KE. Oct 00: 30.
Addressing the Special Needs of Older Adults. Rawool V. Oct 00: 38-43, 76.
Aging & hearing loss: The 50-plus years. Maurer JF. Sep 98: 28-36.
Beyond Technology: The Human Connection. Hansen V. Mar 00: 55.
CAPD Intervention: Strategies that Work! Beck BR. Aug 00: 30-34.
The communicative spirit. McSpaden JB. Nov 99: 42.
Dealing with the psychological aspects of patient reluctance. Hanson V. Sep 98: 8-14.
The effects of hearing loss on intimate relationships. Hampton D. Aug 99: 37.
Fear of Being Found Out: The Dilemma of Denial. Chartrand MS. Mar 00: 72-74.
Listen upwhile you still can. Dickenson B. Mar 98: 67.
Mulrow et al…Revisited. Hampton D. Jan 00: 44.
The obstetrical delivery of the patients story. McSpaden JB. Sep 98: 16-24.
Overcoming Obstacles in the Purchase & Use of Hearing Aids. Rawool V. Aug 00: 46-49.
Quantifying the Obvious: The Impact of Hearing Instruments on Quality of Life. Kochkin S & Rogin C. Jan 00: 6-8, 12-34.
Reducing hearing instrument returns with consumer education. Kochkin S. Oct 99: 18.
The Six Stages of Grieving a Hearing Loss. Armero O. May 00: 28-33.
Social & emotional aspects of hearing loss. Wayner D & Abrahamson L. Apr 98: 26-28, 76.
A Survey to Help Other Clients Accept Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids, Part I. Rawool V. May 00: 34-41.
When a Hearing Aid is Not Enough. Ross M. Sep 00: 26-30.
Also See: Fitting, Testing & Verification and Pediatric Hearing Care.
Barcelona seminars offer two-year perspective on DSP instruments. Sep 98: 50-51.
Bits, bytes and chips: Understanding digital instruments. Csermak B & Armstrong S. Jan 99: 8.
Clinical evaluation of a digital power hearing instrument. Anders R, Magnusson L, Edberg P & Thelin L. Mar 00: 59-64.
A combination remote control and watch. Kalis S. Oct 00: 60.
Defining open platform DSP. Nielsen H. Jan 98: 27, 59.
DSP benefits: moving beyond traditional analog capabilities. Powers T & Burton P. Oct 00: 62-67.
A DSP instrument designed to mimic the function of the undamaged cochlea. Whichard S & Olson I. Apr 99: 70.
Marketing new technologies: Digital hearing instruments. Jelonek S. Mar 98: 18-26.
New DSP instrument & digital perception processing previewed. Strom KE. Mar 00: 68-70.
A perspective on DSP instruments. Frye G. Oct 99: 61.
Practical advice on the use of DSP instruments. Strom KE. Jul 98: 27-28, 62.
Problem solving through smart digital technology. Smriga D & Groth J. Jan 99: 58.
Rendezvous wrestles with the opportunities of new technology. Oct 98: 46-50.
The use of digital features to combat background noise. Powers T, Holube I & Wesselcamp M. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 36.
Verifying the output of digital nonlinear hearing instruments. Kuk F & Ludvigsen C. Nov 99: 35.
Also See: CICs; Fitting and Speech in Noise
Advances in Computer-Driven Hearing Care: 32-Bit Systems and Networking Capabilities. Peterson S. Dec 00: 32-33, 72.
Audible Low-Battery Warnings: Standard or Optional? Gudmundsen G. Jun 00: 45-46.
Audible ultrasound for profound losses. Staab W, Polashek T, Nunley J, Green RS, Brisken A, Dojan R, Taylor C & Katz R. Feb 98: 28-32, 36.
Audible ultrasound…revisited. Lenhardt ML. Mar 98: 50-52.
An audiological rationale for fitting ski-slope hearing losses. Schum D. Aug 99: 53.
Audiometer & Screening Devices Buyers Guide. Oct 00: 54-56.
Communicating with manufacturers: Ordering hearing instruments. Purdy JK. Oct 99: 24.
Communicating with manufacturers: Returns and remakes. Pirzanski C. Oct 99: 26.
Compression: Distinctions. Killion MC. Jul 00 (HR Registry): 44-48 (reprinted from Aug 96: 29-32).
Computer-Driven Hearing Care: Today and Tomorrow. Smriga DJ. Dec 00: 61-64.
Concave Curvilinear WDRC: Optimizing the Shape of Compression. Vlaming M. Sep 00: 58-66, 88.
The Dawning of the New Millennium: Researchers Views. Strom KE. Mar 00: 42-50, 81, 101.
Deep Canal Hearing Instrument Fitting: A New Approach. Staab WJ & Preves DA. Jun 00: 50-53.
Dual-function compression. Preves D, Yanz JL & MacRae ME. Mar 99: 51.
Fitting for an Auditory Life. Haubold J & Schweitzer C. Part 1: Sep 00: 42-51, 76. Part 2: Oct 00: 68-71, 88.
A Guide to Power Hearing Instruments. Sep 00: 52-55.
Hearing instrument repairs and patient satisfaction. Harris G, Simmerman C & Whitmore PK. Apr 99: 16.
Hearing science and hearing aids: A more direct link. Fortune T. Oct 99: 8.
The HR Programmable & DSP Hearing Instrument Buyers Guide. Jan 00: 36-43.
Identification of hearing instrument processed sentences in noise. Navarro R & Beck J. Jul 98: 16-24.
Improving CIC Fittings by Using a Silicone Ring. Robinson JL, Meskan ME, Siu B & Chhadia A. Nov 00: 66-70.
Matching new technology to patients needs. Zelisko DLC, Wolf RP & Burton P. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 53.
A national survey of audiology clinical practices. Medwetsky L, Sanderson D & Young D. Part 1. Nov 99: 24; Part 2, Dec 99: 14.
New Products Review. Jun 00: 54-59.
Noise/tinnitus desensitization training using narrow compression limiting circuits. Trudell M, Sirois A & Lamonthe A. Jul 98: 8-14.
OAE, ABR, AER and Cortical Response Test Equipment. Dec 00: 50-51.
A Patient-Focused Approach to Fitting Hearing Instruments. Meskan ME & Robinson JL. Dec 00: 52-55.
Perhaps not by prescriptionbut by perception. Schweitzer C, Mortz M & Vaughan N. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 58.
Portable audiometer & screening devices shopper. Jul 99: 49.
A Potential for Hearing Reeducation? A Pilot Study. Isenhath J. Dec 00: 46-49, 83.
Survey of the use of adult hearing assessment scales. Dancer J and Gener J. Jan 99: 26.
Telephone use: Experiences and habits of a group of hearing-impaired people. Hall CM & Zakry J. Jul 99: 24.
Temperature and relative humidity inside an ITE hearing instrument. Agnew J. Aug 99: 28.
Testing Digital Hearing Instruments. Frye G. Aug 00: 20-27.
Tinnitus location found in brain (art. rev.). Aug 98: 45.
Todays computer: An essential fitting tool. Stearns WP. Jan 98: 28.
User satisfaction with an ITE directional hearing instrument. Schuchman G, Valente M, Beck L & Potts L. Jul 99: 12.
Using the NAL-N1 prescriptive procedure with advanced hearing instruments. Keidser G, Dillon H & Brewer S. Nov 99: 8.
Understanding compression hearing instruments. Leisses ME. Oct 98: 10-20, 74-76.
Using DSL, FIG6 and NAL for sloping and precipitous losses. Fortune T. Sep 98: 40-42, 71.
Using the I/O curve to help solve subjective complaints with WDRC hearing instruments. Kuk FK. Jan 98: 8-16, 59.
Validation of hearing instruments, Part 1: Patient questionnaire. Jan 99: 16. Purdy JK; Part 2: Linear fitting prescriptions, Feb 99: 42; Part 3: Non-linear fitting prescriptions, Mar 99: 22; Part 4: Output measurements, Apr 99: 24; Part 5: Speech-based and miscellaneous measures, Jul 99: 40
Also See: CICs; Counseling; DSP; Fitting; Impressions; Speech in Noise; Pediatric Hearing Care.
Allocation among causes: The concept, its pros and cons. Lipscomb D. Sep 99: 48.
Assessment of music-induced auditory dysfunction. Hall JW & Bulla WA. Feb 99: 20.
A bang on the ear (article review). Apr 99: 90.
Engineering controls for noise abatement. Erdreich J. Sep 99: 42.
Hearing loss and use of personal stereos in young adults with antecedents of otitis media (art. rev.).Oct 99: 62.
Historical highlights in the evolution of national standards for occupational safety & health. Franks J. Sep 99: 18.
How can we evaluate the effectiveness of occupational hearing conservation programs? Royster JD & Royster LH. Sep 99: 28.
In-ear monitoring: Use as directed. Santucci M. Feb 99: 31.
Managing occupational hearing conservation data. Cook G. Sep 99: 74.
Music Appreciation 101: Bass Players & Drummers and Guitar & Rock/Blues Vocalists. Chasin M. Mar 00: 38.
Music Appreciation 101: Music rooms. Chasin M. Dec 99: 24.
Music Appreciation 101: Woodwinds, Large Stringed Instruments, Violins & Violas. Chasin M. Jan 00: 46.
Musicians and the prevention of hearing loss: The A, Bb, C#s. Chasin M. Feb 99: 10.
Noise-induced hearing loss in the performing arts: An otolaryngologic perspective. Einhorn K. Feb 99: 28.
Occupational hearing conservation: Unique challenges & opportunities. Miller MH. Sep 99: 8.
Pills may replace ear-muffs for protection against damaging noise (article review). Apr 99: 90.
So, how do you want your NRRs: Realistic or sunny-side up? Berger EH. Sep 99: 68.
Thrill or threat? The Sound of movies. Smith B, Dancer J, Montague J & Highley P. Nov 99: 50.
Understanding noise exposure measurements. Earshen JJ. Sep 99: 37.
Also See: Fitting & Impressions
Bone Conduction Implants: The When and Why. Chasin M. Dec 00: 56-58.
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Instruments: Do They Mix? McCandless M & Shelton C. Nov 00: 38-47.
Cost utility analysis of the cochlear implant in children (article review). Sept 00: 56.
Current Status and Future Directions for Cochlear Implants. Staller S & Parkinson W. May 00: 62-64.
Tips for using cochlear implants (consumer corner). Wayner D & Abrahamson JE. Apr 99: 30.
An update on implant technology. Strom KE. Part 1: Cochlear implants. Nov 99: 56. Part 2: Implantable hearing aids: Dec 99: 12.
Anatomy of a perfect ear impression. Pirzanski CZ. Dec 98: 20-24.
Custom hearing protection for special patient needs. Jelonek S. Feb 99: 40.
Earmolds 101: Ten steps to great impressions. Bloomgren R. Dec 98: 28-30.
HEAR tells kids: Wear Your Damn Earplugs. Feb 99: 38.
Let the music begin! Briskey K & Paulson M. Feb 99: 37.
Secrets of the Multilayer Impression-Taking Technique. Pirzanski C. Oct 00: 22-27.
Soft-solid instruments: A positive solution to the dynamic ear canal. Creel LP, Desporte EI & Juneau RP. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 40.
Some tips for earmold applications and selection. Mynders J. Dec 98: 8-18.
Tips for hearing instrument fittings and remakes. Pirzanski CZ. Jan 98: 20-24, 59;
Why are all these musicians coming into my office? Cartwright K. Feb 99: 39.
Why Are My Ear Impressions Being Waxed? Pirzanski C. Mar 00: 56-58.
Also See: CICs; Fitting & Hearing Conservation
The 1999 Hearing Instrument MarketThe Dispensers Perspective. Skafte MD. Jun 00: 8-40.
1999 Regional Marketing Review. Apr 00: 48-51, 60-64.
Better hearing workshopsA new-old idea. Griffing TS. Dec 99: 30.
Building a practice to meet present and future needs. Mark P. Oct 99: 42.
Due diligence key consideration in single-specialty IPA development. Cartwright K. Apr 98: 30, 77.
Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Hearing Health Care Practices. Smriga D & Trads C. Mar 00: 8-16.
Entering the Internet Surf: A Professional Perspective. Mark P. Dec 00: 24-29.
Establishing Office Policies for Hearing Care Services. Griffing TS. Oct 00: 32-35.
The evolving worldwide hearing instrument market. Badri V. Jun 98: 35-37.
Freeing up the golden years (art. rev.). Mar 99: 40.
Gaining referrals through a physicians marketing program. Whichard S. Nov 98: 12-16, 43.
Give your business a marketing make-over. Russomagno V. Aug 98: 10-12, 24.
Growing your practice/business with strategic philanthropy. Chartrand MS. Jul 98: 35-36.
The Hearing Care Market at the Turn of the 21st Century. Strom KE. Mar 00: 8-22, 100.
Is Marketing to Physicians Worthwhile? Results of a Survey. Hase M. Apr 00: 43.
Leasing hearing instruments. McDonald K. Oct 99: 58.
Making good hiring decisions. Russomagno V. Oct 99: 52.
Marketing & educational resources guide. Jul 98: 31-34.
Marketing new technologies: Digital hearing instruments. Jelonek S. Mar 98: 18-26.
Marketing to the forgotten influencer. Adams S. Oct 99: 48.
New contacts in sight (article review). Oct 99: 62.
Now that you built it, how do you sell it? Katz KR. Aug 99: 20.
One of the best-kept secrets in the hearing industry (and it needs your help). Kochkin S. Mar 99: 80.
On-line job hunting: Finding a job or filling a job opening. Dybala P. Mar 99: 42.
Practical advice for buying and selling a dispensing practice. Gleitman RM. Aug 99: 8.
Productive People Ensure Successful Practices. Russomagno V. Jun 00: 60-64.
Programmable/digital now command quarter of market. Sep 98: 64.
The Retail Marketing Message: Why Its Not Working. Walsh S. Mar 00: 32-34.
Selling up by selling down. Griffing TS. Aug 98: 16.
The Swing Generation: Challenges and Opportunities in the New Millennium. Mark P. Mar 00: 24-28.
Trials R Us! Bain R. Dec 99: 27.
U.S. managed care penetration: A state-by-state look at HMO/POS participation. Berkowitz A. Oct 98: 30-32.
What if…America were really aging? (art. rev.). Mar 99: 40.
Where is the Clinton effect? Kochkin S. Feb 98: 6, 15.
Also See: Counseling.
A backward landmark in the education of hearing-impaired children. Duffy JK. Oct 98: 24-26.
Baseball camps fulfill dreams. Apr 98: 35-36.
Estimating Positive Test Results in UNHS Programs. Burrows D & Owen W. Feb 00: 8-12.
Experience with using ABR thresholds to fit infants with a digital hearing instrument. Ramos P, Myrick I & Kuk F. Oct 99: 35.
Fitting children with OLC vs. PC hearing instruments. Ellekjaer Jensen C & May A. Feb 98: 37-40.
Healing ear infections without antibiotics (article rev.). Mar 99: 40.
Hearing loss and use of personal stereos in young adults with antecedents of otitis media (art. rev.). Oct 99: 62.
Hearing loss is common in kids (art. rev.). Apr 99: 92.
Hearing tests for infants (art. review). Mar 99: 40.
International Pediatric Audiology Conference sponsored by Phonak. Jan 99: 38.
Infant hearing screening shopper. Apr 99: 42.
Newborn hearing screening: The great omission (art. rev.). Aug 98: 44.
Newborn Hearing Screening in Large Birthing Hospitals. Dancer J & Haver J. Oct 00: 46-52.
The new ways to stop ear infections (art. rev.). Apr 99: 92.
Prevalence of hearing loss among children 6 to 19 years of age (art. rev.). Aug 98: 44.
Real-Ear Calibration for Newborn Hearing Screening. Norton S, Khan S & Dolphin W. Feb 00: 42-46.
Report Card on Infant Hearing Screening Issued by NCHH. Nat. Campaign for Hrg. Health. May 00: 42-44.
Respiratory viruses implicated in development of otitis media (art. review). Oct 99: 62.
Selection criteria for newborn hearing screening equipment. Dempesy D. Feb 98: 8-12, 60.
Six Methods to Assist Parents in Understanding Their Childs Hearing Loss: An Evaluation. Primus M & Cache P. Feb 00: 16-18, 56.
Softly, softly approach recommended for premature babies (art. rev.). Aug 98: 44.
A Universal Pass/Refer Criterion for DPOAEs: Is It Possible? Christensen L. Feb 00: 22-24, 29-30.
Using a DSP instrument fitting protocol for pediatric cases. Winter M & Kuk F: Oct 98: 27-28, 71-73.
Also See: Counseling and Fitting, Testing & Verification.
AAA Convention Preview. Feb 00: 32-41.
AAA convention sets attendance records. Jul 99: 54.
AAA Greets the New Millennium in Chicago. May 00: 51-56.
AAS celebrates quarter-century mark with its first stand-alone scientific meeting. Apr 99: 48.
AAS Scientific Meeting Shares Research from All Disciplines. Strom KE. Jun 00: 66-69.
ADA Convention: New Age Audiology in San Diego. Oct 00: 57.
ADA Surfs the Wave of Success in Bermuda. Jan 00: 52-54.
Audiology summer camp offers perspectives on the future of the hearing care field. Nov 99: 46.
Audiology Summer Camp Held in Keystone. Dec 00: 68-71.
The brain gets a (new) earful (art. rev.). Apr 99: 90.
The dawning of the the new millennium: Hearing instrument manufacturers views. Strom KE. Dec 99: 6.
Disability law may cover gene flaws (art. rev.). Oct 99: 64.
Expression of a potassium current in inner ear hair cells during development of hearing in mice (article review). Apr 99: 90.
Gene linked to speech and language skills (art. rev.). Apr 99: 92.
Genes of silence: Scientists track down a slew of mutated genes that cause deafness (art. rev.). Mar 99: 40.
Good readers may get perceptual lift (art. rev.). Sept 00: 56.
GN ReSound Meeting Focuses on New Technology. May 00: 65-66.
Guided Tour of the 11th annual AAA convention. Mar 99: 22.
Guided tour of the IHS convention. Sep 99: 51.
HIA looks ahead to the new millennium. Apr 99: 54.
HIA-NCOA project documents benefits of hearing instruments. Strom KE. Jul 99: 8.
IHS convention brings hearing instrument specialists to Philly. Dec 99: 41.
IHS Convention Sneak Preview. Aug 00: 51-57.
IHS Focuses on Education and Legislation. Dec Images in clinical medicine (art. rev.). Apr 99: 92.
May Babies Campaign Advocates Hearing Screening and Hearing Health. Feb 00: 65-66.
A new era in the genetics of deafness (art. rev.). Apr 99: 91.
New Leadership and Programs Announced by HIA. Apr 00: 46-47, 66.
Online education offered for hearing aid practitioners. Dec 99: 42.
The Passages of Hearing Health Care. Skafte MD. Jul 00 (HR Registry) : 12 (reprinted from Aug 96: 8-19, Dec 96: 8-14).
Tribute to Larry Mauldin. Fox C. Oct 99: 86.
Two new online AuD programs for practicing audiologists. Dec 99: 43.
A vaccine for Alzheimers disease? (art. rev.). Oct 99: 62.
Whats New (Helix Hearing Care of America and Best Computes.) Mar 99: 56
Advantages of an Adaptive Multi-Microphone System. Kuehnel V & Checkley PC. May 00: 58-60, 74.
The advantage of a low compression threshold in directional microphones. Lee L, Lau C & Sullivan D. Aug 98: 30-32.
Case study on a childs use of multi-mic and FM technology. May A. Apr 99: 36.
Challenges and some solutions for understanding speech in noise. Agnew J. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 10
Customer Satisfaction with Single and Multiple Microphone Digital Hearing Instruments. Kochkin S. Nov 00: 24-34.
Design Considerations in Directional Microphones. Kuk F, Baekgaard L & Ludvigsen C. Sep 00: 68-73.
Directional microphone hearing instruments: How and why they work. Wolf RP, Hohn W, Martin R & Powers T. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 14.
Dual microphones or directional-plus-omni: Which is best? Thompson S. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 31.
Multi-microphone instruments, DSP and hearing-in-noise. May A, Brenner Larsen C & Warland A. Jul 98: 42-45.
Objective Test Results Support Benefits of a DSP Noise Reduction System. Bray V & Nilsson MJ. Nov 00: 60-65.
Optimizing Binaural Cues for Speech Understanding. Agnew J. May 00: 20-26, 52.
Optimizing compression: Advantages of low compression threshold. Kuk F. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 44.
A Primer on a Dual Microphone Directional System. Csermak B. Jan 00: 56-60.
Prospects of Beamforming in Hearing Instruments. Schweitzer C. Apr 00: 8-16.
Speech Recognition in Noise Results for a Disposable Hearing Aid. Preves DA & Dempesy D. Mar 00: 34-38.
Ten commonly asked questions about directional microphone fittings. Mueller G & Wesselkamp M. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 26.
The use of digital features to combat background noise. Powers T, Holube I & Wesselcamp M. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 36.
Using microphone technology to improve speech recognition. Valente M, Sweetow R & May A. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 10.
Wireless solutions for hearing instruments. Bärtschi A. HPHS V3 (Jan 99): 48.
Also See: CICs; DSP & Fitting
Evaluating the dizzy patient: Establishing clinical pathways. Gans RE. Jun 99: 45.
Overview of BPPV: Pathophysiology & Diagnosis. Gans RE. Aug 00: 38-43, 72.
Overview of BPPV: Treatment Methodologies. Gans RE. Sep 00: 34-39, 56.Presidential aids. Van Dyke L. Feb 98: 53.
Overview of BPPV: Evaluating Treatment Outcomes with Clinimetrics. Gans RE & Crandell C. Nov 00: 50-54, 75.
Rethinking treatment of dizzy patients and balance disorders. Gans R. Apr 99: 8.
Vestibular rehabilitation: Predicting successful outcomes. Gans RE. Jul 99: 32.